Hi Bohm,
Thinking a bit more on the complexity of my material.
In this latest presentation, I provide no supporting evidence for the statements I make. This makes it simpler. In my Studies, because I come with no academically recognised qualifications, I need to provide support through the material provided by scholars. I always say that I graduated from the University of Life, Faculty of Hard Knocks.
I would also like to add that what I prepare is a distillation from the books that really ARE very deep and technical. So I see myself as introducing people to those resources. I am currently researching the story of Christianity's first 200 years and in doing so I am looking into about 50 books. John Crossan says that if you get two Bible scholars together you finish up with three opinions.
In the end, each person must look deeply into their own positions and adjust these in the light of mature, objective, rational information and reasoning.
Let us agree to disagree, but to not be disagreeable. Discuss ideas so that we sharpen one another's thinking so that both benefit. If that takes deep thinking, then so be it.